
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Helter Skelter

I am just 20 pages from the end of Helter Skelter, but the sun keeps going down and it's too disturbing to read after dark.

Last night however, I was reading it in bed at 9:30 and when I was done I read a little scripture and said my prayers and was stunned when I uttered, "Please bless my children and keep them out of prison." And I paused and I thought, did I just say prison? yep.

May the good Lord keep your children out of prison too.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bad Girls Book Club

I thought there was only one of us, but there is another in Kentucky...I'm sure our bylaws are more interesting. For that matter, I'm sure WE are more interesting!

So, feel free to review books here. Make recommendations, give us warnings, we'll use this to help us track what we've read and discussed.

Our next meeting is March 11...let's have a theme (since this last meeting the theme seemed to be killing/murder/war)...what would you like the theme to be? Self-help? True Hollywood stories (the Little House on the Prairie girl has a great book according to Sue, and I heard Kimmy say that High on Arrival was really good too)? Children's literature? Well, let me know if you have a suggestion for a theme...otherwise, let's just stick to the tried and true: read a book and tell us about it.