
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whatcha reading?

I've started The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite. by Kessler.

I want to read something funny, uplifting and terribly entertaining. I want to read something that has characters to adore.

My Aunt Connie has written a book called Spire of Kylet and I adored those characters. I'm waiting on the third book in that trilogy.

What about you? What do you recommend?


  1. Two fascinating books I've recently read are Sarah's Key and People of the Book. Both are historical fiction and riveting. Sarah's Key is built around a little-known atrocity during WWII when overzealous French police, required by the Nazis to round up thousands of adult French Jews, also rounded up 4,000 children. Sarah's little brother refused to leave the house, and she has the key to safe him. People of the Book is by Geraldine Brooks, who wrote March. This time she has done intricate research on, of all things, book binding! Hanna from Australia is brought in to examine the authenticity of a haggaduh (my spelling is off; it's a sacred Jewish book) that has been saved from destruction over many countries and centuries by various people, some Muslim, some unwitting, all with fascinating stories. Exceptional reads! -- Judi

  2. I highly recommend the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. A trilogy, strong female and male characters, OUTSTANDING. You know the feeling you got when you reached the end of Harry Potter? THAT was how I felt when I reached the end of Mistborn.
